This past Friday, the University of Florida Cancer Center hosted the first annual Cancer Research Showcase in the Cancer Genetics Research Complex. Dr. Renne and Dorci Nance planned the event, which brought 9 outstanding K99 awardees to UF to present their work and learn about faculty opportunities here in Gainesville. Renne Lab members assisted with the registration desk, took photos of the event, and attended invitee and UF faculty presentations. Pictured above from left to right: Sunantha Sethuraman, Natalie Martinez, and Lauren Gay are ready to sign-in attendees! Photo by Vaibhav Jain. Pictured above from left to right: Alex Morningstar, Dorci Nance, Merin Thomas, and Natalie Martinez posing for a photo before the showcase. Photo by Vaibhav Jain. Pictured above from left to right: Rolf Renne and Dorci Nance setting up for the next presentation. Photo by Vaibhav Jain. Pictured above: Lab Manager Pete Turner taking a moment to read the abstract book. Photo by Vaibhav Jain.
October 2022
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